Register today for the Z-Man Benefit Golf Tournament Posted April 25, 2019 by Z-Man Staff



In an effort to achieve the goals of the Z-Man Scholarship Foundation, we are pleased to announce the Ninth Annual Benefit Golf Tournament on August 26, 2019 at the Langdon Farms Golf Course in Aurora, Oregon. We hop you will join us at this event benefiting scholarships and mentoring for deserving and motivated high school students.  With your help, we can positively affect more lives within Portland’s communities.

We are asking local businesses and community leaders for donations and event sponsorships.  If you are interested in sponsoring this event, email us at

Event Schedule

6:00 am: Registration Begins
7:45am: Shotgun Start
12:45 pm: Lunch and Networking
Post Tournament: Silent Auction, Raffle and Awards Presentation